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Happy Chefs

CAI Code of Conduct

Keeping us Safe

HCC MGM Culinary Arts Institute Code of Conduct 

All staff and program participants who use the CAI facility are required to follow the Code of Conduct: 

1. Students must park on Appleton, Race or Main Street. The rear parking lot is for faculty/staff and tenants only. 

2. Students must sign in at the front desk when they arrive at the facility. 

3. Students must wear a mask or they will not be allowed into the building. Masks must be worn at all times, social distancing 6-feet apart, whenever possible. Masks are available if necessary. 

4. After the student enters the building, they will proceed to the bathroom to wash their hands on the first floor. 

  • Sanitizer stations are set-up throughout the facility, outside of restrooms and any classrooms/kitchens being utilized. 

  • Staff members will continuously sanitize high touch point areas. 

5. All faculty, staff & students must follow the CDC precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19. STAY HOME if you develop symptoms. 

  • The CDC states that at this time, symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 after exposure. 

  • The three main symptoms can include: Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath c. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. i. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Sanitizer stations are available throughout the facility. 

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

  • Socially distance, whenever possible, 6-feet. 

  • Avoid close contact with people. 

  • Stay home when you are sick. 

  • Cover your cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. 

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces 

6. ANY STUDENT in an on-campus class who tests positive for COVID-19 must immediately inform HCC at, and quarantine at home for at least five days. After five days have passed, if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), they may end their quarantine, but for the next five days they must wear a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting people they encounter. It is recommended that students contact their primary care provider with COVID questions or concerns. Students are required to submit their test results to confirm the test date. Please refer to this guidance from the CDC for more detailed information. 

Holyoke Community College MGM Culinary Arts Institute 

164 Race Street Holyoke, MA 413.552.2838

HCC MGM Culinary Arts Institute Code of Conduct 

7. If you are exposed and vaccinated (including booster) you may remain in class while continuing to wear a mask. If you develop symptoms you must quarantine and get tested 3-5 days after the exposure. 

8. Students must show up dressed in their chef’s attire. 

a. All belongings not needed should not be brought into the facility. Knife kits should be the only belongings. 

9. Respect all staff, students/program participants and visitors. 

10.No one is allowed in kitchens unless you are scheduled to a class in that specific kitchen. Students should not be wandering the building unsupervised. 

11. The main entrance is the only entrance and exit for the facility. Emergency exits are accessible if necessary. 

12.Be respectful of property. This includes no defacing, destroying or stealing of furniture, appliances, materials, or people’s personal belongings.This also includes disposing of trash and recyclable materials in the appropriate places. 

13.No drugs or alcohol are permitted. If you arrive for class under the influence of drugs or alcohol you will be asked to leave. 

14.Please refer to the HCC Student Handbook for a more in-depth code of conduct. 

a. Please refer to the brochure “A Student Guide: Civility in the Classroom”. 

15.Students in need of accommodations may contact the Office for Students with Disabilities & Deaf Services at or 413.552.2417. 

16.Are you dealing with homelessness or legal issues? Are you struggling with food insecurity? Do you think you qualify for SNAP or MassHealth benefits? Need help balancing your budget? Have questions about managing your credit? The Thrive Center will help you create a plan that will get you closer to achieving your goals and building a more stable future. Email or call 413.552.2783 

17.The President’s Student Emergency Fund assists HCC students experiencing unexpected financial needs. If this is something you are interested in, you can find more information on the website or ask Stacy for assistance. 

Holyoke Community College MGM Culinary Arts Institute 

164 Race Street Holyoke, MA 413.552.2838

HCC MGM Culinary Arts Institute Code of Conduct Security & Access 

Fire door exits are for emergency use only. 

The inside and outside of the facility has 24-hour security monitoring for the interest of students, staff, and faculty. 

If you have any questions, contact Stacy Graves at 413.552.2823 or 

Follow us on Facebook: https:/ Follow us on Instagram: HolyokeCommunityCollegeCAI 

CAI Code of Conduct: Class Policies

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