Knife Skills
Uniform Package
Given after add/drop period ends.
Students must attend all CUL100 sessions wearing a full and proper uniform (see below) and appropriately equipped with books and tools, as is professional. The chef instructor reserves the right to refuse admittance to lab for students who are not attired in a full and proper uniform, and/or properly groomed.
All students will adhere to the following uniform standards.
HCC-issued chef's jacket (students' personal or work-issued jackets are not acceptable)
Plain white t-shirt under jacket (no colors or logos)
HCC-issued-cook's pants
HCC-issued hat
HCC-issued shoes
HCC-issued knife kit with all contained items
COVID-safe face mask to be worn at all times
Long hair must be worn up beneath the chef's hat, and a hair net worn if hair touches collar
No jewelry except for wedding band and stud earrings, facial jewelry is limited to one stud; the instructor reserves the right to require students to remove facial piercings
Fingernails must be clean, short and unpolished; colored or fake nails are not permitted
All wounds must be covered with a bandage and latex glove or finger cot
Standard levels of personal hygiene should be maintained: think of the customer and co-workers (students). No body odor, no bad breath, etc.…
All uniform components must be clean; jackets should be wrinkle and stain-free.
Students are required to be in uniform for all laboratory classes, including the lecture portion of classes that consist of a combined lecture/lab period (such as CUL 100 and 101). Part-time students or those auditing a course will be held to the same standards as fully matriculated culinary students.
Additional hats are for sale in the vending machine on the second floor.
Book & Tools Needed

On Cooking: A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals (Subscription), 6th Edition
Labensky, Martel & Hause
©2019 | Pearson

Classroom Tools
The most professional students will attend all classes with the following tools:
Basic calculator
Phones are acceptable in class for research, calculation, documentation, and timers. Unauthorized cell phone use is prohibited.