Knife Skills

Attendance Policy
30% of your Grade
Attendance is the easiest way to be a successful professional chef.
It is essential to completion of the course.
Students are allowed only ONE (1) – lab session absence. Regardless of circumstance. A SECOND lab session absence will result in the administration of the grade of AW; Regardless of circumstances. A Third absence of any kind will result in the administration of the grade of AW.
Students are solely responsible for arranging with the course instructor a time to arrange for any make up lab.
TWO combined class-lab absences within the first two weeks of the course will result in the administration of the grade of AW.
If you are going to back absent or late, please let me know as soon as possible. You have the ability to text or chat with me at any time.
Attending just part of a class or lab is not acceptable. The instructor will make every effort to end class on time; however, due to the nature of lab exercises and individual skill levels, labs may occasionally run over--please plan accordingly; bus schedules and employment obligations do not take precedence over class and lab activities. All students start the class and end the class together. Cleaning up together is important.
Students remain responsible for all work missed, regardless of reason for or duration of absence from class. Because of the unique requirements involved in presenting the various course activities, make up sessions are not possible.